Anita Sneed Merkel
April 2, 1943 - June 16, 2013
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Cremation Society of Virginia - Hampton Roads Office
5265 Providence Road, Suite 104
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(757) 474-9409 | Map
Norfolk Botanical Gardens - Rose Garden Hall
6700 Azalea Garden Rd
Norfolk, VA 23518
Saturday 6/29

When at the gate to enter Botanical Gardens, let them know that you are there for the service at Rose Garden Hall for Anita Merkel.

ANITA S. MERKEL Virginia Beach – Anita “Cookie” Sneed Merkel, 70, passed away peacefully on Sunday, June 16, 2013. She was born April 2, 1943, in Greenport, New York to the late Everett Emith Sneed and Esther Adelaide Jones Sneed. She is also preceded in death by her brother, Michael Everett Sneed; and sister, Esther…

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Ken & Debbie Murray left a message on June 19, 2013:
I pray that God will comfort your family in this time of need. Anita will be missed by so many people whose lives she touched. I know that I will always remember the good times and all the laughter we shared while we were at work and all other functions. Farewell for now Anita see you again someday.
Sherrie Doherty left a message on August 14, 2013:
Dearest , I just learned of Anita's passing. I called today to speak with her and Barbara shared with me. Joe, Art, and Evone I send you BIG hugs. I was proud to see your Mom at our H.S. reunion in 2011. As usual she brought sunshine to I know she is in heaven. God Bless You !
Dan Waltz left a message on June 28, 2013:
I knew Anita through work with Navy Housing and it was such a pleasure to be in her company. I appreciate her many contributions to service families and I enjoyed her photography, too! Please accept my sincere condolences.
Sue Lonigan left a message on June 28, 2013:
I will miss Anita terribly. She was a part of my life that I highly valued, from the days that I became part of the Norfolk housing family till today. We remained close even when I lived far away from Norfolk and it was always wonderful to see her. She was so brave as she faced cancer and helped all of us who loved her "get through it." She certainly fought hard for such a long time and did it gracefully. She loved her family and they were magnificently supportive. Nothing was more fun for her than her grandkids, with her kids and her many friends a close second. She was easy to love. When I think of her, I smile. We had such fun together and the memories are sweet. Rest in peace dear friend!!
Diane Castro left a message on June 26, 2013:
I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute you have submitted to honor her very active life. She obviuosly touched many and put her best into all the lives she could. What a remarkable woman! Again- I am sorry for your loss and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It is never easy. Love to all- Diane Castro
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Bob & Sue Stetson left a message on June 23, 2013:
Our thoughts and prayers are with Art and Kimm, Joe and Yvonne. So very sorry for your loss. Anita will surely be missed. Her cards and pictures she sent, were always so fun. All our love to each of you at this very hard time!!
Karen Gordon left a message on June 22, 2013:
I was sorry to learn of your moher's passing. I have known your mother since you were little, for I was a member of the twin club. She touched a lot of lifes .
Diane Ward left a message on June 20, 2013:
My prayers and heart felt sympathy to her family for their loss. She was a great lady, and will be missed.
Suzanne Hale left a message on June 20, 2013:
It is really hard to believe that Anita is gone, but her spirit will live in every life she has touched over her wonderful and fun life forever. She never let you know if she was not having fun! I saw her a short time ago and she was fighting hard to stay in our lives! You have fought the good fight. I am proud to call you friend. See you again one day! Our thoughts and prayers are going to be with your family!
Martha Kessler left a message on June 20, 2013:
Anita was a very special person. I cherish the times we shared. She was rich with friendships. She was always there for the many families she assisted in housing and for her many friends. She will certainly be missed.
cathy and Avery ruppe left a message on June 19, 2013:
To Yovonne, Art, Joe. Your mom will be missed and loved by all who knew her and had the joy to share time with her. I know she is watching over all of us. I had the pleasure to see her 2 sundays ago and she got to meet my son who is 16. My love goes to all of you.
Linda Shrewsbury left a message on June 19, 2013:
My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Anita. She was a very special person. She was my contact with family housing when I worked for PWC. If I needed help and she didn't know the answer she would find it for me. I will always remember the big smile she always had for everyone.
Merle Escobar left a message on June 19, 2013:
Anita is a caring person who always have a beautiful smile. She has touched so many lives especially in the Navy Housing Norfolk VA. She will be at peace with Our Lord.
Amber Archie left a message on June 19, 2013:
Anita was apart of my life when I was very young. She was a wonderful friend of the family and I remember her smile and sturn sense of humor. Now that I am much older its hard to remember every detail of our memorable interactions but I do know this, she was there for us. She was there for my grandma, she was apart of our family and our memories. She will never be forgotten. It saddens me that I am unable to make it for the service since we are stationed in texas right now, but please accept my condolences and love. Rest in peace
Johanna P Wyatt left a message on June 18, 2013:
Dearest Cookie, I can't believe that you will no longer send me cards and I won't "forget" your birthday again. What a wonderful friend you have been for the past 52 years. Giving me a place to rest on the campus of FSU in 1961 to sharing your home in 2012. I loved sharing our lives with each other and will miss the sporatic phone calls and emails. I will miss you but am glad your long, difficult, painfu, fight is over and you are free.
Chikita Simmons left a message on June 19, 2013:
Anita will be truly missed. She was a great friend. Her love for people and photography will be memorable. She truly loved her family and she was a proud grandmother. RIP my friend.
Sheila Costello left a message on June 19, 2013:
I will always remember Anita's sense of humor, her thirst to help everyone and her many talents. I have a very special gift that I will always treasure & that is my wedding album that Anita made Sep 1996. I still have my Christmas earrings & the Christmas tree she made everyone. Her memory will live on fondly. My prayers go out to her family & friends.
Pamela Koegle left a message on June 19, 2013:
Anita was truly a generous and giving person and will be greatly missed. My condolences to her family and thank them all for always being there for Anita. She was blessed to have such caring children. Rest in peace Anita.
Danny Wright left a message on June 19, 2013:
I've known Anita a number of years. We both worked in Housing in Norfolk. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.
Renee left a message on June 19, 2013:
To Anita's family. I have such fond memories of Anita when I worked at Navy Family Housing. I have, and will cherish the photo you took of me, my husband and our son River walking over the bridge at Norfolk Botanical Gardens. A very fitting place for your memorial. May God bless your beautiful soul and enjoy eternal life.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Betty Shoemaker left a message on June 19, 2013:
No words can truly ease the pain of a loss of a friend. Anita was special to all of us who knew her. She was a part of the heart and soul of Family Housing. Please know you're in our heart and prayers. Anita's strength lives on in our memories and heart. She is at peace now.
Deborah J. LeBeau left a message on June 19, 2013:
Deepest sympathy for the family of a great co-worker that I had the privilage of working with at Norfolk Housing. I remember all the hard work she did for the PHMA chapter for Virginia. I still have the Christmas tree she gave me years ago that she made for all our desk in the office. Will miss you and God Bless.
Iris L. Hart left a message on June 19, 2013:
My prayers are with each family member and friend of our dear Anita. She was truly an angel on earth - she touched so many people's lives every day. Even when she was ill - the cards kept coming. There were no strangers and somehow she made time to reach out to each of us over and over again. I have been truly blessed to have had this lady as my friend for 28 years. You will be truly missed dearest friend! God Bless.
Carolyn Cumbo Jones left a message on June 19, 2013:
Anita, To the family, Anita was a nice caring person when I met her early in my government career. My prayers are with you as you cope with the loss. Find peace in the memories. Blessings, Carolyn
Jonitta Harris left a message on June 19, 2013:
I would like to give my heart felt condolences to the family. Anita was a beautiful person. She help me and my family when I had major surgery and I barely knew her at that time. Since, I have always been fond of her and I will truely miss her. May God be with you during this time of bereavement.
Viola Ross left a message on June 19, 2013:
Lunches won't be the same without you, Anita. I'll miss you. Rest in peace. Vi
Donna Henry left a message on June 18, 2013:
A member of our housing family and a dear friend has left us. She will be remembered for her contribution to her friends, co-workers and the many Navy families she touched. She always had a camera in her hand and she documented all of our families and lives through the years. We will think of her each time we look at the photos she sent us. She fought the good fight and she is finally at peace. She will be missed.
Cremation Society of Virginia left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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