D "Don" Grifiin Outlaw
May 12, 1963 - April 8, 2021
Cremation Society of Virginia
Mark Copeland
Robert and Connie Whelehon
Chris and Colanne Schwemlein
Hannah Fitchett
Kelsey Wissert Light a candle
Light a Candle
Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

On April 8 2021, D G (Don) Outlaw passed away unexpectedly at home. Don claimed Virginia Beach as ‘his city’ where he grew up and lived most of his life.  He enjoyed walking the oceanfront boardwalk on early weekend mornings, attending the NAS Oceana Air Shows, Chincoteague Pony Swim, and checking out new local businesses…

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Olivia left a message on May 13, 2021:
In memory of D "Don" Grifiin Outlaw, Olivia lit a candle
Sherry Dion-Wright left a message on April 17, 2021:
Donnie......I mean, ahem...... Don! Boy am I going to miss our long talks. I’m going to miss your advice! I’m going to miss your encouragement! You were an awesome cousin, and we were definitely related, somethings only funny to us, and probably would have had us admitted into the psych ward if folks heard that humor! I’m going to miss you, and I look forward to seeing you again! It’s not goodbye, it’s see ya later, gator! You we’re definitely one of a kind! My thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and other side of the family that I have never met! We all must carry on and tease each other as Donnie teased us!
Loretta Dion left a message on April 16, 2021:
My memories start the first time I met him in El Paso. He was an imp who thought it was funny to remove the screws from his playpen causing it to collapse. Next time was in Marlboro. The imp rose again when he climbed out of his crib and went to our neighbor Terry's house. She called and asked if we knew where Donnie was to which my sister answered in his crib and she said no he's not he is here. Next time my sister was folding clothes and taking them to the appropriate bedrooms.. She got suspicious of Donnie because she thought she was folding the same clothes she already folded so she asked me to watch him. Sure enough he was following her and taking the clothes out of the room and putting them back in the basket. He was a tease. He also liked me to take his picture with my polaroid camera so I would take his picture in his crib with him standing in his crib to get him to take a nap. Then there is that great picture of him standing on the couch in his pajamas with his arms stretched out with that beautiful impish smile. We took that picture because he was sad that he couldn't go with his parents and Irene to Joseph's cub scout event. Then there was the loving caring Donnie who took my son Christopher under his wings because Joseph,my son, told him he was worried about Christopher. He got Christopher interested in working out. He was always precious to me. I loved the fact that he knew there would always be a present for him at his mothers at Christmas. SO that was my Donnie. I thought I was going to see him this coming Christmas but his daddy wanted him to come home and be with his mother and I couldn't be happier for him. This the loving,caring,impish,teasing Donnie who I knew and loved.
Susan Pulk left a message on April 15, 2021:
Irene.. this is Sue (Don's girl). I would love to talk to you when you have time. My number is (757) 585-6856
Susan Pulk left a message on April 15, 2021:
Warmest thoughts and prayers to the family. I was looking forward to meeting you, Irene.. he spoke so highly of you. I am heartbroken.. I was seeing Don and we shared something very special. I just knew when I didn't hear back from his morning message that something happened. You are forever in my heart, Don.. I will miss you more than words can say. You touched my life and showed me how love really feels. I love you and I'll miss you dearly.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Mark Copeland left a message on April 14, 2021:
In memory of D "Don" Grifiin Outlaw, Mark Copeland lit a candle
Robert and Connie Whelehon left a message on April 14, 2021:
In memory of D "Don" Griffiin Outlaw, Robert and Connie Whelehon lit a candle
Mark Copeland left a message on April 13, 2021:
I knew Donnie somewhat distantly at first through my acquaintance with his mother Audrey and his sister Irene. Since he moved in with Irene back in October, I’ve gotten to know him better. Donnie has always impressed me as very knowledgeable in many areas. Whether the subject matter was auto repair, computer issues, medical concerns, or other subjects we have discussed, he impressed me as a treasure chest of knowledge on par with HowStuffWork.com! But for all the mental acumen, he was very personable and caring. He was generous with sincere compliments and was always approachable. He loved to affirm other people who were in need of encouragement and quick to see their worth. He was very patient with people who had personal struggles. Being a person of faith, the thing that most impressed me was Donnie’s transparent and sincere faith in God and the renewal of his early Christian faith. Some of his Facebook posts reveal the passion he had for social justice—a subject prominent in Scripture. I remember the Saturday morning when he sat down with me at Irene’s house and had an open, honest, probing, and sincere discussion of Scripture. More than once, when I was dealing with potentially stressful situations, I learned through Irene that he was praying for me. Speaking of prayer, when Irene went upstairs to check on Donnie and found he had left this world, he was in a perfect kneeling posture. As I do not see how anyone would fall into a perfect kneeling position, I can’t help but believe that he left this world in prayer. I would like to have gotten to know Donnie better. I’ve learned a lot about him that I did not know just by reading posts to this forum. But, we will meet again. And, to snatch a phrase from the apostle Paul, then “We will know [each other] even as we are known.” I look forward to seeing him again in heaven.
Chris and Colanne Schwemlein left a message on April 13, 2021:
It is a truly sad moment for all of us in the Felten/Felton clans at the loss of Donnie. It had been so long since we last saw each other, but we will remember his brashness and bravado when we cousins were much younger, and his affable style and laughter too. If Covid had not canceled our planned Felten/Felton reunion last year, who knows, we might have had the opportunity to see each other again. Another reason not to take for granted each day or opportunity that comes our way. Thank you too, Donnie, for your time in service to our nation. We are grateful. God Bless you, until we meet again. Chris and Colanne Schwemlein
Diana left a message on April 13, 2021:
In memory of D "Donnie" Griffiin Outlaw, Diana lit a candle
Hannah Fitchett left a message on April 13, 2021:
In memory of D "Donnie" Griffiin Outlaw, Hannah Fitchett lit a candle
Tuukka left a message on April 13, 2021:
I will break the ice ....... thank you for the companionship, early morning talks and treats, belly rubs, and getting me hooked on tuna. My life hit the jackpot when you finally let me in the door and laid down ground rules (a story many have heard, no doubt). Miss ya bud
Kelsey Wissert left a message on April 13, 2021:
In memory of D "Donnie" Griffiin Outlaw, Kelsey Wissert lit a candle
Cremation Society of Virginia left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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