Felimon "Jun" Magpoc, Jr.
March 28, 1944 - April 26, 2024
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Felimon “Jun” Cortez Magpoc, Jr., passed away peacefully on April 26, 2024, with his daughters by his side. Born on March 28, 1944, in Samal, Bataan, Philippines, Jun was the youngest of seven children of Felimon Macalinao Magpoc, Sr. and Beatrice Cortez Magpoc. He was preceded in death by his parents, his beloved bride of…

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Lawren Burroughs left a message on May 25, 2024:
Felimon Cortez Magpoc, Jr. was a charismatic man capable of making profound connections with others, a gift he passed on to his daughter, my beloved Jennifer. Over nearly twenty-five years of marriage, I’ve come to deeply appreciate the cultural richness he brought to our family’s lives, helping to shape our beautiful family into what it is today - a multi-cultural family of unyielding love and acceptance. I may not have been his first choice for his oldest daughter’s hand in marriage, but through the years, I’ve come to better understand what he saw in me. He loved fiercely, especially his cherished late wife, Norma. He taught me by example that being a husband means loving your bride more than yourself, becoming one with her, and creating a union more significant than the sum of its parts. He was a pioneer, wholeheartedly taking on the role of Mr. Mom before it became widely accepted. His love for his daughters was boundless and profound, never divided, always complete. He laid a foundation of unconditional love and trust, and taught me to embrace these values with my children as a loving father. I came from a broken home, wary of close connections. I had no accolades, no distinguished name, and no social ease. Yet, he came to accept me wholeheartedly, without reservation. He loved me, and he told me so often. Though he may have had his doubts, he never voiced them, and his propensity to speak his mind leads me to believe this was no small feat. He guided me toward professional success and, more importantly, toward being a loving husband and father. Later in life, the joy of being a grandfather to his four grandchildren transformed him in ways not even he could have anticipated. They rekindled the embers of his inner child, teaching him to laugh and savor life’s simple pleasures. His perspective shifted, and he embraced every moment with them, finding new depths of joy and fulfillment. He was endlessly grateful for their love, and they for his. Felimon found joy in acts of kindness and love, and the foundation he laid flourished beyond his wildest dreams. His legacy of love and sacrifice will be felt by generations to come. His life is a testament to love’s enduring power, and his spirit remains with me, guiding me every day. I strive to honor his memory, knowing he left an indelible mark on my life and on the lives of those whom he loved most. His lessons of love and sacrifice continue to light my path, reminding me constantly of the extraordinary man he was and the extraordinary person I am capable of becoming. Salamat sa maganda at matiwasay kung familia.
Cremation Society of Virginia left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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