Judith Marie Brennan
March 14, 1947 - July 5, 2023
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On July 5, 2023, at her home in Virginia Beach, Va., Judith Marie Brennan closed her eyes for the last time. Born March 14, 1947 in New Jersey, only daughter of Francis William Brennan and Betty Mae Kirkwood Brennan, Judi grew up and attended high school at West Caldwell High School in West Caldwell, New…

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Bobbi Thompson Cleveland left a message on January 26, 2024:
It is with a heavy heart that I just learned of Judy's passing. Friends since "brownie troop" days at Washington elementary school in Caldwell....navigating the tricky waters at James Caldwell High School together...traveling across Europe the summer before our senior year in college (we were in Heidelberg for my birthday and July went all over town looking for my favorite raspberries...using some very broken German...the red berries with the "bumpen" on them)....serving as brides maid in her wedding....and so many other memories. I am saddened that time and distance (I live in Atlanta) got in the way of me seeing and beeing with her more over recent years. SHe will always occupy a very special place in my heart... Bobbi Thompson Cleveland
Carolyn Terray left a message on July 17, 2023:
I have fond memories of working with Judi in the Virginia Beach school system. Through most of that time, she was the Foreign Language supervisor. I found her to be positive, energetic, innovative, and an encouragement for the classroom teacher. She had a broad scope of knowledge and was quick to research for answers she didn’t have. I always enjoyed our times together. We even bought her little VW hatchback for our kids away in college. Prayers for her family and friends.
Cremation Society of Virginia left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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