To all our family and friends, it is with great sadness and a broken heart that I tell you that our beautiful Julie has passed. She is experiencing a peace now that we cannot comprehend. For all of you that loved and knew her, you will not be surprised that she fought every step of the way, with the love and support of her family and friends.
As you all know, Julie was one of the most kind and generous people we have ever been fortunate to know and love. Her kindness and lover for others had no boundaries. For those reading this post, I am sure you can think of multiple stories where you were either on the receiving end of her kindness, or you witnessed it for yourself. She would do anything, for anyone at any time. I was blessed enough to see these acts of kindness on a regular basis. If she saw someone on the side of the street in the need of assistance, we would literally stop whatever we were doing, and she would buy that person a meal and we would drive back and deliver it to them. I know this is just one story, but she would do these types of things all the time.
And our Julie was so smart and determined. I have never known, and will never know, anyone like her. She created from the ground up Woodard & Associates. She was involved in every aspect of her business and I was blown away every hour of the day. Everything Woodard & Associates was, was because of her. And she brought that same determination with her to each job she had before, as many of you can attest to. But to tie to into her kindness, what she knew and learned, she would share with anyone that asked or wanted to learn. I have communicated with so many of you during the last few weeks and you have shared incredible stories with me about how she helped mentor and/or assist you in various areas of your profession. She was so much, to so many.
And strong, our Julie was so strong, physically, and mentally. She was always there for us, day, or night. She demonstrated a strength and determination that I never witnessed before, and quite honestly; I could never comprehend. I was in awe of her every day of every night. She was a true inspiration.
And faithful. Our Julie had so much faith. Even when we were so sick and could barely move, she would pull up on her cell phone preaching or praise music to help us get through those difficult hours. I had the honor and privilege of being able to pray with her during her final hours with us. And Joyce shared with me some beautiful scriptures that I was able to share with her too. And I know that our beautiful Julie, and God, heard me, and He brought to her the ultimate peace.
During the last few weeks, I have spent a lot of time admiring and thinking about my incredible wife and I can honestly say, I can see how Julie became this amazing woman. I see all these traits in her loving family, especially her daughter, Amanda. Julie was truly blessed to have them in her life, and we were the benefactors. They will always have my love and respect for raising and supporting the love of my life. And rest assured, Julie’s legacy is safe knowing that they will carry on all these traits that made Julie so special. I love you all.
And to my family, I am forever grateful for your love and support, especially my parents and brother. As some of you know, I am recovering from Covid. It has not been an easy recovery, but you will not hear me complain, I am profoundly grateful to my Lord and Savior for His healing and I will fight on. But I would not be where I am today, without my family’s love and support, and more importantly, their love and prayers. I am truly blessed, and I cannot wait until the day when I can personally thank each and every one of you.
And to our friends, oh my goodness, our friends. The love and support have been on a level that cannot comprehend. I do not like to speak for others, but I feel comfortable in saying we all thank each and every one of you. Personally, I am not sure how we would have made it without you. I am forever grateful.
To everyone, let’s honor our beloved Julie by being kind to one other. I know it sounds cliché but let us take a moment to help someone in need. If you know someone going through a difficult time, pray with them or offer a word of encouragement to someone who is down. Whatever the case may be, let us make ourselves available to help others. And I am not just talking about once but let us make it a way of life. That’s what Julie would do.
On a personal note, I would just like to share that Julie was my everything. I would tell her at the dinner table that I admire her so much and that I was always in awe of her. She is, and was, my inspiration. I wanted to be a better person because of her. I don’t know what God has in store for me, but I do know one thing, I will live each and every day trying to be like her. She will be forever in my heart and I am a far better person now for having her in my life. I love you beautiful.
William, Julie’s husband.
Cremation Society of Virginia-Newport News assisted the family with arrangements.