Lois Elaine Sautter
September 29, 1944 - October 2, 2023
Cremation Society of Virginia
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Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

On October 2, 2023, Heaven gained another angel. Lois Elaine Sautter, 79, passed away peacefully, holding the hands of her two children, Missy and David. The loving family she leaves behind include: Missy (Steve), David (Lisa), Brittany, Tawney (Michael), Rhiannon, Benjamin, Heather Grace, Brighton, Garhett, and many other family members and friends. She is now…

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Karla Masters Hill left a message on October 15, 2023:
Missy, David & Family, I’m so very sorry for the loss of your precious mom. Though I haven’t seen or talked to Lois in a long time, every time I spoke with her, it was obvious that you all were the light of her life. I’ll never forget that sparkling smile and infectious laugh or her ability to always lift my spirits with her kind words and deeds back when we first moved to Virginia. I always looked up to her with awe and admiration. She will be missed. Love and prayers to you and all the family. Karla (Bob & Betty’s daughter)
missy saunders left a message on October 13, 2023:
Mom you will always be in my heart and soul. You were such a vibrant beautiful funny woman that we will miss everyday. I have so many memories that I will carry with me forever, when even I need a laugh or a shoulder to cry on I will reflect on these to carry me through life. You save a spot for me and I'll bring the glitter for the walls. I love you mom. oxox
Tami Pollard left a message on October 12, 2023:
Missy I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. It's a void for sure. I surely miss my mama every day. Just go one day at a time and hold fast to your memories. God Bless You.
Ashley smith left a message on October 11, 2023:
Prayers for the family and friends of this wonderful lady. She will forever be part of the Macys family and I will never forget all the times I worked with her there she could always light up a room not only with her fashion choices but her sense of humor. Rest in peace ❤️
Brittany left a message on October 11, 2023:
I will sure miss the razzle-dazzle you brought into our lives. We miss you so much already. Rest easy Meemaw and give Sophie a cuddle from me!
Cremation Society of Virginia left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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