Nancy B. Entzminger
May 31, 1937 - April 16, 2017
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Nancy B. Entzminger, 79, of Virginia Beach, VA left her earthly home on Resurrection Sunday, April 16, 2017 to be with her God and Savior. Nancy was born in 1937 in Clinton, NY where she lived until 1983. She relocated to Oakton, VA in 1983 and resided there until 2016. In 2016 she relocated to…

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Nancy Gallaghet left a message on June 1, 2017:
In the year 2000 Nancy sent me a beautifully handwritten note of encouragement that was also had notes of prophecy mixed in. It was very unexpected at the time and to this day it still blesses me as I leave it tucked in a drawer for me to "find" from time to time. What makes it evem more special is the fact that it was dated on my birthday. Nancy had no idea it was my birthday. It was the Lord speaking through her and saying to me "I know you.* I cry every time I read it....and it ministers to me in a fresh way as I walk this journey of life. Nancy allowed herself to be used by God and blessed many in the process.....Myself included.
Kitchings Kids left a message on May 13, 2017:
We always enjoyed visits from Aunt Nancy (and Uncle Nicky) - whether we were visiting them in VA or they were down in SC we had fun catching up and sharing memories and stories. She was always smiling and laughing and she remembered our birthdays every year. She was full of happiness and faith and will be missed more than words can say.
Sandy Rolewicz left a message on May 1, 2017:
A tribute to my sister Nancy. So many things I have thought of, but mostly how kind she was to everyone she came in contact with. Always the big sister to look up to. Many memories of when Nancy and John came up to NY to visit, and how great it was to go to their home in Virginia. Showing us around , going to antique shops. Funny story, one of the times we visited them, we had been gone for the day and when we got back, we noticed that the dogs had dragged something thru their dog door out into the back yard, a closer look at what it was . It was Noky's boot. Nancy was horrified, but then we all laughed about it for many years afterwards. Nancy had such a good sense of humor. Must have been from the McCarthy side. And did she ever forget to send a birthday card to everyone. NEVER. She was a very busy person , always something going on at church. She was able to travel with John on some of his business trips. What a great time they had over the years. Nancy , I looked up to you and miss you a lot. You were not only my sister, you were a good friend . Forever in my heart, Many thanks to you Nance.
George and Anne Gennings left a message on April 30, 2017:
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Joanne & Joe Hamlin are our good friends and kept us posted on Nancy's illness. The obituary is beautiful written and indeed Nancy is in pain no longer, and busy helping our Lord. May your many fond memories along with God's love help to bring you comfort. George and Anne Gennings
Robert and Kim Entzminger left a message on April 28, 2017:
Aunt Nancy was always kind. She was smart and witty. She had a great sense of humor. She loved playing games, even with kids who were aggrevating (me). She wanted to make sure everyone was helped and taken care of. We will miss her very much.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Joe/Donna Nettleton left a message on April 27, 2017:
Dear John, David and Becky, I just found out about Nancy's passing today from Beth Ann (Adour). I remember Nancy from the early 70's at Calvary Gospel Church in New York Mills. I still have the pink/blue baby blanket she knit for our first daughter! Her kindness didn't stop there. She took care of our 2-year old daughter when I went into the hospital to have our second daughter -- for five days. I remember that she and Esther were such good friends, Pastor Saied and John were good friends, and the children were the same ages. The last time we saw Nancy was at the Calvary Gospel reunion a few years ago. So glad we reunited for that special occasion. May God comfort all of you as only He can. She was such a beautiful lady.
Joanne Hamlin left a message on April 27, 2017:
Remembering my sister Nancy….. We all know how much Nancy did in her adult life and what a good hearted person she was to everyone. These are some things I remembered from our earlier years, knowing that Nancy would love the humor Did You Know……That Nancy could play the ear…no formal lessons….It just came easy to her, a gift she received from our paternal grandfather, Alonzo Burg who played the accordion which prompted Nancy to buy that red accordion! Did you know…when we were teens we used to travel to church on Sunday nights, even in the cold and snow with Mr McConnell driving and Doris, Nancy and me in the back seat covered by a blanket due to the cold car….poor Mr McConnell….cold, but never complained! Did you know…in high school Nancy worked part-time at Cunningham Buick dealership on College St and lived with Grama and Grampa during her last year in school. Did you know…Nancy and I lived in an apartment in Utica and stuffed the car with Christmas Gifts to take up home to the younger kids, we were so happy to be able to give so many gifts now that we were working. Did you know….Nancy and I sang on the radio in Utica on the Mr Sunshine Show….it was just one time so I guess we weren’t the McGuire Sisters! I think we sang….You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine! Did you know….We went roller skating at Madison Lake roller rink in the summer….beautiful warn nights skating to the hip toons of that era…..What fun! And we all know how nice it was that Nancy remembered all our birthdays with a card, to us and all our kids….What a nice Aunt she was! We miss you Nance…..Love you and never forget you…..Your sister, Joanne
John Carten left a message on April 26, 2017:
Nancy was one of the nicest and most hospitable people that I ever knew. She was very tallented musically on the piano and the accordian. Yes, the accordian which many people did not know. She knew an amazing number of worship songs and could play almost all of them by ear or from memory. She and John were both very tallented worship leaders. Nancy's gift of hospitality was amazing. If there was an event that she was involved with you knew if would be first class. I went on many a church camping trip with her and John. I always knew that we would have a feast when Nancy was along. It was not just hot dogs and beans. She always made sure that it was a great meal. Nancy also had a special ministry to the missionaries that Christian Assembly supported. She personally stayed in touch with each one and provided us with regular updates on how they were doing. Nancy also had a great sense of humor and was adept at putting everyone at ease that she met. We will all miss Nancy but we are blessed to have so many wonderful memories of her ministry to all the Saints.
Melissa and Dennis Kitchings left a message on April 26, 2017:
We will always remember Aunt Nancy as gracious and kind. She had a way of making you feel at home and always welcome. We're going to miss being able to see her at holidays and family gatherings. We love you and take comfort in knowing you're Home.
Jim and Carol Becker left a message on April 26, 2017:
Carol and I are so sorry for your loss, a mother tops the list of those who have loved us and cared for us from day one. We pray you can find peace in the memory of your love, faith, laughs, wisdom, and many good times shared together over your lifetime. May those memories and priceless moments comfort you now and in the days ahead. Though she is deeply missed, she is certainly in a place of total love, acceptance, peace, and health that only a glorified/heavenly body can provide as she dances on streets of gold with those who have gone before. She was a bright light, so much fun to be with, and a class act in her faith, thoughts, words, and deeds. Our prayers are with you and her many friends.
Cille Hay left a message on April 25, 2017:
Bloom where you are planted, so true a description of my oldest sister Nancy. Wherever she went, whomever she was with, she always bloomed like a beautiful flower. A sweet fragrance to life and everyone around her to to enjoy her. She and John were always an inspiration and guide to me. Their unfailing faith in God and a true witness that He is our almighty Lord. Thank you for taking us to church when we were younger, as we learned, we would be nothing without God. This may seem silly, but Nance, I hope heaven is like a big warm, fluffy blanket that you are wrapping yourself up in and it feels like one big hug. I miss you. You'll never ever be forgotten. Blessings to Becky and her family, to David and to John. Love, Cille and Nield.
Brenda Fitzsimons left a message on April 25, 2017:
Aunt Nancy was a wonderful lady! She was kind to everyone she met and made all of us feel special. I have so many wonderful memories that I will forever have in my heart. She left a loving mark on all of us who where blessed to know her. May she rest in eternal peace. We love you. Brenda Rolewicz Fitzsimons
Warren A Burg left a message on April 25, 2017:
To Nancy our eldest sister and pioneer in the family thank you for your loving kindness to us all. One of my first memories involved Dad bringing a little red wagon home for us kids and Nancy pulled us around the house again and again and again. Nancy you never tired of making us happy and making us laugh. What a great example you were as a big sister. Even though I fled the nest early on I remember many good times we had as kids lead by you. And as I grew older and brought a family back home your kindness and support continued in many ways. I have many memories of you i my life - all good. Even though I was,t good at heeding your advice it did,t stop you from continuing to guide me down the right path. You continued to serve help others all through your life and can be proud of helping others on our journey through life. Thank you. A friend said to me once - your sister Nancy is the nicest lady I have ever met. This is the impression everyone will have had of you Nance. Thank you for the many happy memories and days we had with you. Rest in peace, your brother Bub. Love you.
Janet Hankinson left a message on April 24, 2017:
An older sister holds a very specific and unique place in a person's life. She is not your mom, and yet she gives motherly help and advice. She is not just a friend, but she shares secrets and thoughts that you would not trust with anyone else but a best friend. Nancy was my oldest sister, my mentor, my friend, an anchor in my life. It was Nancy who taught me correct table manners, how to act properly in public, and the importance of hospitality. The summer when I was twelve years old our church had VBS in the Utica inner city. The little kids came in disheveled and sometimes half dressed. The first worker washed their hands and face with a soapy washcloth, next I wiped their faces dry with a towel and then they moved down the line to Nancy who buttoned crooked shirts, rearranged backwards shorts, combed and attached little barrettes in their hair. It was my first experience with reaching out and bringing dignity and order into people's lives, a practice I was able to continue for over 45 years. Later, we would make and serve sandwiches to these same kids, Nancy at my side. I observed her kindness, her sensitivity, her tender and caring ways. I ended up feeding people on four continents throughout my life and never forgot the lessons I learned working next to her. When I was 16 we would have street meetings outside on the street corners. Nancy would play her accordion and all of us would sing. One night, the person who was supposed to give a short sermon didn't show up and we all looked at each other hoping one of us would volunteer to do it. Nance put her hand in the middle of my back and propelled me forward to the microphone. And I did it, I preached my very first sermon! It ended up being the first of many over my lifetime. She did that because she knew I could do it when I didn't even know it myself! A person needs someone behind them to give them a push in the right direction and Nancy was my person. In 1999 Tom and I were invited to an inter-denominational gathering and Tom and I were the main speakers. It was a week long and he and I took turns preaching at the evening services. This convention had been meeting yearly since 1932 and I was the very first woman to be invited to preach! I was breaking the gender barrier. As I was being announced to the crowd of over 2,000 my mind drifted back to a street corner in Utica, New York and I realized it all started with a little push. I told Nance about it when we got back home and I thanked her for sharing in my ministry and partnering with me over the years. She told me she was so proud of me. Nancy has been a rock to me, a guiding star, my friend, my confidant, my sister. Someday I will join her in that place, that dear and wonderful place in the Everlasting Arms of Jesus, and there will be no more good-byes, no tears, no pain, no sorrow. If she's playing an accordion instead of a harp up there, I won't be surprised! Play on, Nance, play on. Deuteronomy 33:27a "The eternal God is your refuge, And underneath are the everlasting arms."
Karen Holliday left a message on April 24, 2017:
Becky,Tom & family. My heartfelt condolences on the loss of your Mom. I had the pleasure of meeting your parents a couple of years ago, I remember fondly the love your Mom shined so beautifully when we were all together. May God help you and your family through this difficult time and have peace knowing love remains. You'll be on my thoughts and prayers. Karen Holliday
Robin Osborn left a message on April 24, 2017:
Nancy was such a dear friend/sister in the Lord at Christian Assembly! sweet sister in the Lord we have many good memories of her! She was always helping and then church secretary as well as being a sweet hostess at the time and we gathered at her house for leadership! she always made us feel extra special ! she was so wise.
Jerry and Kathy Sakowski left a message on April 24, 2017:
John, David , Becky------how saddened we were to hear of Nancy's passing. We have so many fond memories of working together with Full Gospel Businessmen's, Women's Aglow------camping together and just a great friendship down through the years. Yes, she will be remembered as kind, considerate, loving and just a wonderful friend ------Would love to hear from one of you. Kathy Sakowski 252 367 3437
Cremation Society of Virginia left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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