Norman C Venzke
December 8, 1927 - November 21, 2013
Cremation Society of Virginia Light a candle Light a candle
Light a Candle
Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

St. Michael Lutheran Church
2208 Princess Anne Rd.
Virginia Beach, VA
Sunday 11/24

RADM RetNorman C. Venzke died on November 21, 2013. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland on December 8, 1927, the son of the late Charles G. and Florence A. Venzke. He is survived by his wife, Barbara, a daughter Erica Y. Amestoy husband Jay, a brother Colonel E. Leigh Venzke, USA Ret, a sister Mary…

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Nick Mazzocca left a message on January 7, 2025:
I served aboard the Icebreaker-USCGC EDISTO, 1965-66 on the deck crew - Capt. William Earle & Exec. Norman Venzke Semper Paratus
Nick Rogers left a message on October 4, 2021:
Rank before suffering & truth
Peter Popko left a message on November 29, 2013:
My deepest condolances to the family and loved ones of RADM Venzke. I came to know him during the investigation of the the sinking of the USCGC BLACKTHORN in 1980. I was a young Lieutenant assigned to assist the Marine Board of Investigation headed up by the admiral. Over the 4 months of the investigation, he was dedicated and unwavering in his desire to determine the causes of the accident. He was an outstanding leader who looked after his people. He will be missed. Peter Popko, Captain, USCG ret.
Jim Fleishell, left a message on December 2, 2013:
My wife,Norma,and I offer our condolence to you,Barbara,and your daughter on Norm's passing. I believe we met at one of our more recent Class reunions and also when Norm was inducted as a Distinguished Graduate. We hope that you will join with us, the Class of 1950, at our 65th reunion in 2015 when Norm will be remembered. The Class of 1950 will make a donation to the local Salvation Army Chapter in Norm's remembrance. Jim Fleishell
Frank Heitkamp left a message on April 9, 2014:
Norman Venzke was a very good friend of me and my uncle, Herbert Paulerberg. My uncle, he is Master Sergant ret. in the german Army, met him in Verdun by visiting the battlefields of World War 1. First, I translated their letters and then I visited Norm and Barbara in Virginia Beach in 2011. We were on the Airshow of the Aviation-Museum of Virginia Beach. We are missing Norm, our very best friend and the great Rearadmiral ret. of USCG. We`ll never forget Norm. Good bless the U.S.A.!
Cremation Society of Virginia left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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